If your goal for 2024 is to bring more order to your life, you can take a page from Jada Paul’s book. The mother of two and wife of Golden State Warriors point guard, Chris Paul, launched Curated by Alexis P last September to bridge the gap between creativity and productivity, with a line of products including her party and project planners, journals and office accessories.
The first-time entrepreneur decided to pursue her new venture as her children are getting older. “My kids are 11 and 14 now and since they were born, I was making sure our home was stable,” explains Paul. “It’s a job that I took very seriously and have a lot of pride in. Now that they don’t need me around as much as they used to, I’ve been able to spread my wings and carve out my own space.”
Sweet July caught up with Paul to discuss her growing business, how she finds balance in her busy life and her advice for others on making 2024 the best year yet.

Have you always had a dream of starting a business like this?
Jada Paul: Yes and no. I’ve always loved stationary. I was the girl with Lisa Frank pens and notebooks growing up. Even before this [business], I had a collection of about 12 journals that I would write in for different things. When I was planning my daughter’s fourth birthday party, I had things written down everywhere, like on notecards and backs of invoices. I was trying to find a way to organize it all so I went to Barnes & Noble to look for a party planner because surely it exists, right? But there was nothing other than wedding planners. So, I decided back in 2016 to create my own. I started to work on it, but then we moved twice in two years. Life just happened. During the [Covid-19] quarantine, we were at home and the kids were doing remote learning. I pulled my stuff back out and made a prototype just to get my ideas in a physical form. It just kind of grew from there.
What has the response been like so far?
JP: It’s been really well-received. I think the All the Feels Inspirational Journal has been the most popular product. Journaling has been a great tool for mental health that I even use myself.
In addition to journals, Curated by Alexis P offers products like the Positive. Present. Personal Self-Affirmations notepad. Why do you think self-reflection is so important for well-being?
JP: As I’ve gotten older, I’ve learned how to appreciate mental health, self-awareness and self-love. I wish someone had taught me this 20 years ago, so it’s cool to pay it forward now. It’s nice to document your progress and growth.
Sometimes when you want to write, blank pages can be overwhelming. You sit there and are like, ‘what am I supposed to be writing?’ There are many journals that exist that are guided, but a lot of them have so many prompts. The journal I created is subdivided into subjects that most people deal with, whether it’s health and wellness, money management, career or love. If you want to write down a scripture or a quote that resonates with you, you can do that as well. It’s kind of like organizing your thoughts.

Looking ahead, do you have any dream products you’d like to add or goals for the business?
JP: We are working on two new products, a day planner and a home management planner/tool. It’s almost like a ‘house bible’ that is an easy reference for all the things that make your house go around, [from] kids’ emergency information to the pet groomer’s name. God forbid the electronics go haywire, so I like having a copy of everything. I think it will be something that can help a lot of people.
As you navigate motherhood, womanhood and entrepreneurship, how do you take time for yourself?
JP: The biggest struggle is finding time to workout. A lot of times I find myself getting up before the kids wake up for school and I’ll exercise first thing in the morning. It’s so hard to wake up, but once I’ve exercised, it sets me up for the day.
What are you most looking forward to this year and do you have any advice on how people can make 2024 their best year yet?
JP: I’m looking forward to growing the business. It’s been slow but steady, which I am grateful for since it’s given us a chance to work out kinks and redirect. I’m looking forward to inspiring people to put their best foot forward. My advice would be to just do the thing. It took me a long time to really say, ‘I’m going to start this business.’ I have a fear of failure and all the what ifs. But I’m learning as I get older that life is life-ing. Life is short. Do the thing. If it doesn’t work out, then move on to the next thing. Even now, I’m still navigating myself, taking it day by day and seeing where it takes me.
This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.