Let us help you choose your next book! Welcome to Sweet Reads, a curation of titles hand-selected by our Sweet July community.

As we near the end of the year, it’s a great time for goal-setting, reflection and manifestation. We’ve rounded up a list of our favorite personal development reads to help get your started.

“It’s so insightful and opens your eyes to the beauty within you as a human being.” – Ayesha Curry, Founder, Sweet July

“It’s a book about the discovery of self, how to give yourself grace through trauma and conflict, and learning how to meet life’s challenges with a greater sense of purpose. It feels like you’re getting a big hug for your spirit!” – Nina Parker, Television Host & Fashion Designer, Nina Parker Collection

“It’s been an invaluable tool as I navigate what being an effective and inspiring CEO looks like. As an entrepreneur, your role as CEO changes significantly as the company grows and evolves, and the many first hand accounts they share from CEOs I admire has been a welcome tool for me as I think about what mindset and actions will help me thrive as a CEO.” – Denise Woodard, Founder of Partake Foods

“This was such an entertaining read, and the author does a great job of explaining how habits are formed and a look into some traits we don’t even realize are habits. It helped me become more aware of the triggers that lead to bad habit formation and what I can do to redirect those. Don’t get me wrong – I still procrastinate but life is a work in progress, right?!” – Shirlene Loi, Product Development Manager, Sweet July

“Transform your parenting and heal your inner child wounds with this read. This book provides tools and resources to help you become a parent on your journey to becoming a better you.” – Dr. Thomishia Booker, CEO & Owner of Hey Carter! Incorporated

“As soon as I started reading, I felt like I not only had a greater understanding of myself but of those around me. Attached is a great read if you’re hoping to conceptualize why you might connect the way you do and gain more empathy for how others navigate connection (or lack thereof) as well.” – Hannah-joy Krishna, Executive Assistant, Sweet July

“This was a thought-provoking read that explores the theme of ‘what if’—how a choice made differently could change the trajectory of one’s life.” – Danielle Iturbe, President, Sweet July

“I read this book every year or so because it helps you recalibrate your mind on how you view obstacles, failures and disadvantages. It helps show you how to use your mind to transform the stumbling block in front of you into a stepping stone to what it is you’re trying to achieve.” – Christina Tegbe, Founder of 54 Thrones

“Although I first read this book a couple of years ago, I find myself thinking back to some of the learnings even as a now 30-something. I found this book to have really interesting thought starters regarding dating, career, personal identity and more.” – Rian Worm, Marketing Director, Sweet July

“It’s important to set growth goals, but it’s equally as important to be grateful for and appreciate what you already have (something I’m actively working on!). This book is a great resource to help implement that practice.” – Brianne Garrett, Managing Editor, Sweet July


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