In this series, we dive into one busy day of a dynamic individual to understand the rituals and routines that foster their success (plus the small, unplanned moments that keep life interesting).

Here, New York City-based Hannah Fallis Bronfman, author, world-renowned DJ, investor and founder of the digital content platform HBFIT, gives us an inside look at how she manages gearing up for new company launches, investment calls and quality time with her almost-2-year-old son, Preston—all in one day.

7 a.m. — Preston woke up, and Brendan (my husband) went and got him out of his crib and brought him into our bed for some AM snuggle time (a cute habit we can’t break!). After having some quality family time, I took Preston back to his room and got him ready for the day.


7:30 a.m. — I started to get Preston’s breakfast ready: chia seed pudding, chopped nuts and strawberries. I like to prop him on the counter in his little chair to watch me cook. He loves doing this because he gets to snack while I make his breakfast. 


8:30 a.m. — After feeding Preston and getting him ready for his first class at 9 a.m, I gave him his favorite toys and used this split-second free moment to prepare for my morning skincare routine and get changed for the day. 


I am very regimented when it comes to carving out time to do my beauty routines so I never miss a skincare moment. Today was our HBFIT 2.0 launch and my team met me at my house to get ready for the launch and shoot content. We launched a content subscription platform and app where subscribers will have access to exclusive video content, my travel guides, product launches and more. Our first product launches were our spa headbands and muslin cloths, so today I saved my skincare routine to do on camera for Instagram. 


9:00 a.m. — My team arrived at my apartment, and we got ready to launch our HBFIT site and announce it on Instagram. I got to do my skincare routine and demonstrate to my followers how to use our HBFIT muslin cloths. In the morning, I don’t actually wash my face. This morning, I used my muslin cloth that we just launched on our site with some warm water. And then I went in with a nice hydrating mist—right now, I’m using one from Dermalogica. Then I used the huestick from Live Tinted and a moisturizer. Right now, I’m using a hyaluronic acid moisturizer from BeautyStat. I also tried out an eye cream from a company called CosMedix.


We watched subscribers roll in before I headed to my fitting.


10:15 a.m. — I jumped in a car and headed down to the LES for a fitting with my stylist, Sarah Slutsky. 


10:30 a.m. — I did a quick fitting with Sarah for an upcoming event I have,  speaking on a panel for American Express Business Class Live. The panel was all about understanding brand purpose, authentic storytelling, meeting your community where they are and just understanding your value proposition as a brand.


11 a.m. — I left my fitting and headed uptown for a quick dentist appointment. 


12:30 p.m. — I arrived at the office and hopped on a Zoom call the minute I sat down. This call was with my business manager and two female founders of a company I am potentially investing in. The brands that I like to invest in and partner with are mission-driven. It’s nice to have an authentic relationship with a company before promoting their product.


1 p.m. — I had another call with another company I am looking into investing in.


1:30 p.m. —  My team and I had a meeting to catch up on how our launch rolled out this morning and went through HBFIT’s content strategy for the rest of the week. After our quick meeting, I took some time to hop on Instagram and respond to DMs and comments from my followers. 


2 p.m. —  My hairstylist Nai’vasha arrived at our office to fix my hair for a shoot I have tomorrow. While she worked on my hair, I tackled my to-do list for the rest of the day, which was a list of all the emails I needed to respond to plus content that I needed to edit. 


3 p.m. —  I took a little break to eat lunch and edited some reels.


3:30 p.m. —  I left the office and headed to a business meeting with my manager. This meeting was at a marketing agency in Soho. 


5 p.m. —  I headed home for the day and played with Preston for an hour. This is my favorite time of the day because I miss him so much when I’m at the office, so I always try to come home around his dinner time. We live right by the park, so sometimes we go to the park for a little bit or go for a walk to get some fresh air. He’s also really into his little tricycle. 


5:45 p.m. — I got in an Uber and headed downtown to Casa Cipirani for work drinks with the founder of a beverage company that I am interested in learning more about. While in the car, I answered questions on IG regarding our HBFIT app.


7 p.m. — Had drinks with my former assistant Ava. I hadn’t seen her in so long, so it was nice to have a catch up! She was with me when I first launched HBFIT, well, she was actually there before—when HBFIT was just a hashtag.


8 p.m. — I met up with Brendan for dinner with our friends at one of our favorite restaurants in NYC, Great Jones Distillery. Everything is locally sourced. We had steak, halibut, and some of the best bread I’ve ever had. 


10:45 p.m. — Home, and in bed by 11:15.


This as-told-to piece has been edited and condensed for clarity and was conducted in July 2022. 


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